X3F extractor

What's this?

This is a software to view and extract the information of X3F format, which is SIGMA's SD14 and DP1 raw picture format. The development environment is FreeBSD, however, this might work on most un*x-like operating systems such as Linux, Solaris and so on

The main features are:

dcarw can also extract image data from X3F format. However, the format is tiff or ppm. So when you want to create thumbnails of bunch of X3F files, you need to convert tiff/ppm to jpeg. It takes a lot of time.

You can acquire jpeg file in a second using X3F command, and create thumbnail using your favorite software.



Required Libraries

o iconv

NOTE: In Linux environment, iconv seems to be installed as default system library. So compile simply as follows:

 % gcc -o x3f x3f.c 


  usage: x3f [-cvh] filename
          -c: outputs jpeg data to stdout
          -v: outputs meta information (do not output jpeg data)
          -h: outputs usage(this message)


Extract jpeg file.

 % x3f SDIM0001.X3F 
 % ls 
  SDIM0001.X3F SDIM0001.X3F.jpg

Show all meta information.

 % x3f -v SDIM0001.X3F 
 X3F Header
 	File type identifier: FOVb
 	File format version: 2.2
 	Unique identifier: 30313031363033303e25b5484012718
 	Mark bits: 0
 	Image columns: 2640
 	Image rows: 1760
 	Rotation: 0
 	White balance label string: Auto
 		slot 0: unused
 		slot 1: Exposure adjust:	0.000000
 		slot 2: Contarst adjust:	0.000000
 		slot 3: Shadow adjust:		0.000000
 		slot 4: Highlight adjust:	0.000000
 		slot 5: Saturation adjust:	0.000000
 		slot 6: Sharpness adjust:	0.000000
 		slot 7: Color adjust red:	0.000000
 		slot 8: Color adjust green:	0.000000
 		slot 9: Color adjust blue:	0.000000
 		slot 10: X3 Fill Light adjust:	0.000000
 		slot 11: unused
 		slot 12: unused
 		slot 13: unused
 		slot 14: unused
 		slot 15: unused
 		slot 16: unused
 		slot 17: unused
 		slot 18: unused
 		slot 19: unused
 		slot 20: unused
 		slot 21: unused
 		slot 22: unused
 		slot 23: unused
 		slot 24: unused
 		slot 25: unused
 		slot 26: unused
 		slot 27: unused
 		slot 28: unused
 		slot 29: unused
 		slot 30: unused
 		slot 31: unused
 Directory Section
 	Section identifier: SECd
 	Section version: 2.0
 	Number of directory entries: 6
 	Directory entry 0, Property List(PROP)
 		Section identifier: SECp
 		Property list format version: 2.0
 		Number of property entries: 34
 		Character format for all entries in this table: 0
 		 (0:  CHAR16 Unicode)
 		Total length of name/value data in characters: 504
 		Property List: 
 			List 0, VERSION_BF = Eng
 			List 1, FIRMVERS =	SD14 1.07
 			List 2, DRIVE =	SINGLE
 			List 3, PMODE =	P
 			List 4, AEMODE =	8
 			 (8 = 8-segment, C = center-weighted, A = average-weighted)
 			List 5, AFMODE =	AF-S
 			 (AF-S = single, AF-C = continuous, MF = manual focus)
 			List 6, AFAREA =	CENTER_V
 			List 7, ISO =	100
 			List 8, LENSFRANGE =	18 to 125
 			List 9, LENSMODEL =	8
 			List 11, RESOLUTION =	HI
 			List 12, WB_DESC =	Auto
 			List 13, COLORSPACE =	sRGB
 			List 14, CAMMANUF =	SIGMA
 			List 15, CAMMODEL =	SIGMA SD14
 			List 16, SH_DESC =	1/160
 			List 17, EXPTIME =	6024
 			List 18, SHUTTER =	0.006024
 			List 19, APERTURE =	8.35419
 			 (Exact aperture value)
 			List 20, AP_DESC =	8
 			 (Aperture shown on LCD at time of shot)
 			List 21, EXPNET =	0
 			List 22, FLASH =	OFF
 			List 23, AFINFOCUS =	V
 			List 24, FOCUS =	AF
 			List 25, LENSARANGE =	22 to 4
 			List 26, FLENGTH =	18
 			List 27, FLEQ35MM =	30.6
 			List 28, EXPCOMP =	0
 			List 29, TIME =	1219831102
 			List 30, CAMNAME =	                    
 			List 31, CAMSERIAL =	01016030
 			List 32, BRACKET =	0 of 0
 			List 33, BURST =	1
 	Directory entry 1, Unknown(CAMF)
 	Directory entry 2, Image data(IMA2)
 		Section identifier: SECi
 		Image format version: 2.0
 		Type of image data: 2
 		 (2: processed for preview)
 		Data format: 3
 		 (3:  uncompressed 24-bit 8/8/8 RGB,
 		 (11: Huffman-encoded DPCM 8/8/8 RGB,
 		 (18: JPEG-compressed 8/8/8 RGB
 		Image columns: 221
 		Image rows: 147
 		Row size in bytes: 664
 	Directory entry 3, Image data(IMA2)
 		Section identifier: SECi
 		Image format version: 2.0
 		Type of image data: 3
 		 (2: processed for preview)
 		Data format: 6
 		 (3:  uncompressed 24-bit 8/8/8 RGB,
 		 (11: Huffman-encoded DPCM 8/8/8 RGB,
 		 (18: JPEG-compressed 8/8/8 RGB
 		Image columns: 2688
 		Image rows: 1792
 		Row size in bytes: 0
 	Directory entry 4, Image data(IMA2)
 		Section identifier: SECi
 		Image format version: 2.0
 		Type of image data: 3
 		 (2: processed for preview)
 		Data format: 6
 		 (3:  uncompressed 24-bit 8/8/8 RGB,
 		 (11: Huffman-encoded DPCM 8/8/8 RGB,
 		 (18: JPEG-compressed 8/8/8 RGB
 		Image columns: 2688
 		Image rows: 1792
 		Row size in bytes: 0
 	Directory entry 5, Image data(IMA2)
 		Section identifier: SECi
 		Image format version: 2.0
 		Type of image data: 2
 		 (2: processed for preview)
 		Data format: 18
 		 (3:  uncompressed 24-bit 8/8/8 RGB,
 		 (11: Huffman-encoded DPCM 8/8/8 RGB,
 		 (18: JPEG-compressed 8/8/8 RGB
 		Image columns: 2640
 		Image rows: 1760
 		Row size in bytes: 0



Bug Report

If you have any trouble or requirement for X3F extractor, please mail to skk at ht.sfc.keio.ac.jp directly.

Powered by FreeBSD
Copyright (C) 2000-2014 Hiroshi SAKAKIBARA. All rights reserved.
Last Up Date:7/Nov/2009 17:23.0